Begonia rex propagation

Remove the stem with a sharp knife begonia rex propagation slice the leaf into wedges, each piece with a main vein. You may get several cuttings depending on the size of your leaf. Dip each piece into hormone rooting powder and shake off the excess.

Place each leaf cutting on the surface of a tray of moist seed raising mix. Pin into place with wire. Give cuttings begonia rex propagation light but no direct sunshine. Check in eight weeks when new plantlets should emerge from the begonia rex propagation and show good root development.

Pot up each plant begonia rex propagation. Wait until roots are growing through the base of the stem. When they reach a few centimetres pot up your rooted cutting into individual pots. Begonia biggest enemy is frost. Planting them under other shrubs will help protect them. Pots can be brought close or into the house over winter in frosty regions.

Any time from spring to autumn is suitable for taking daphne cuttings. Take a cutting of approximately 10cm length, including a node a swollen section of stem where leaves, stems, roots originate. Dip this into rooting hormone gel or powder and place into propagation mix deep enough so that it stands by itself. A plastic cover over the pot will help retain humidity.

Place in a protected position out of direct sunlight. Keep moist and expect roots in a begonia rex propagation of months. You should be ready to harvest your first batch in February. Simply use your begonia rex propagation to feel through the light mix you have used and pull up as many potatoes as you need for dinner. You can keep begonia rex propagation harvesting as you need the begonia rex propagation until you run out, or until the start of next winter.

How to grow Techniques How to: We are in love with begonias. We always want more! Their ability to flower in full shade is remarkable and once they start they never seem to stop. Here's how you do it.

Freshen up houseplants 18 Feb Begonias 28 May Leave a Comment Your Name Optional. Help us prevent spam and type what you see below. About this article Date: Sandra Ross Categories Cloud How to Stars of the season Ask Us! Plants It's time to Stay in touch We'll keep you posted and promise not to bombard you. Ask us What is the best time and method to propagate daphne? I planted potatoes in layers of manure and straw in early July and would like to know when they will be ready to harvest.