Bitcoin charts market capitalism

Embedded data could not be displayed. Why Is Bitcoin a Big Deal? October 31, Centralized banking and all other forms of intermediary rentier skims are presented as solid. If history is any guide, these supposedly solid entities may well melt into air.

Why is bitcoin considered such a big deal? Why has it grabbed so much mind-share, and why is bitcoin charts market capitalism skyrocketing? And why is the cryptocurrency sector going bonkers? Those who trace central banking to the Bank of Amsterdam's founding in might say it's the first major innovation in years.

Why is it an innovation? There are four basic reasons: It's a bitcoin charts market capitalism of private-sector issued money. It is not issued or controlled by any government or central bank. Bitcoin charts market capitalism is structured in a completely different manner than conventional central-bank issued currency: Since the blockchain is distributed over numerous computers, it is decentralized and distributed rather than centralized.

It enables trusted transactions between parties without requiring the services of an intermediary, i. In the case of the first cryptocurrency, bitcoin, its issuance bitcoin charts market capitalism tokens coins is limited by its design to 21 million coins.

No central authority can issue more bitcoins, nor does the structure of the bitcoin blockchain allow for further issuance. To grasp the significance of these four characteristics, we have to go back to the early history of modern capitalism.

My longstanding recommendation is to start with Fernand Braudel's 3-volume history, Civilization and Capitalism, 15thth Century: The Structures of Bitcoin charts market capitalism Life Volume 1 The Wheels of Commerce Volume 2 The Perspective of the World Volume 3 Many of the functional pieces of modern capitalism were private-sector innovationsstarting with banking and credit some of which was borrowed from Arab traders.

In the good old days of the s, if the King of Spain wanted to finance a costly voyage around the world Magellan's circumnavigation inhe turned to private-sector lenders. Insurance, stock markets, futures markets and options were all private-sector innovations designed spread the risk and reward of ventures such as trading voyages to the Spice Islands. Since so many ships were lost at sea, backers sought insurance for the losses, and the trade in shares of the ship's cargo and the insurance against its loss enabled a lively trade in these financial instruments that were the rough equivalent of modern-day options.

When a merchant vessel was seriously overdue, the value of the shares of its cargo plummeted as investors gave up hope of earning their hoped-for return. So some enterprising traders paid watchers to scan the shoreline for incoming ships matching the description of the overdue ships. Should the overdue ship appear off the coast of France, runners would hurry to Amsterdam to inform the trader who would then promptly scoop up cheap shares of the cargo, scoring huge profits when the ship docked a few days later, bitcoin charts market capitalism intact.

The rate of expansion of private-sector innovations is much higher than those of centralized authority. Centralized authority must act deliberately, and in consultation with all the various power centers of the society and economy.

Disagreements can incapacitate the system for years or even decades. The private sector, in contrast, is a free-for-all of a multitude of players with an enormous range of ideas, schemes, scams, risk appetites, insider knowledge i.

This private-sector ferment is on display in the cryptocurrency space. Scams and brilliant innovations are shoulder to shoulder in a fast-moving mob. No wonder so many players and traders bitcoin charts market capitalism to join the mob and figure out some competitive advantage or gain some asymmetric knowledge, knowledge which can be as simple as the understanding that hard forks aren't bad for bitcoin, as so many feared, as each new iteration claims to improve some aspect of bitcoin's functionality.

Over hedge funds and other institutional players are muscling into the market, anxious to scale in and scale up before competitors grab market share. Here is a one-year chart of bitcoin: As Marx presciently noted, capitalism melts all that is bitcoin charts market capitalism into air. All that is solid melts into air.

Centralized banking and all other forms of intermediary rentier skims are presented as solid. My labor-backed cryptocurrency community economy: A Radically Beneficial World: Your name and email remain confidential and will not be given to any other individual, company or agency. Thank you, George K. Bitcoin charts market capitalism you, Howard R.

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Bitcoin Quick Tutorial and Overview. An Introduction to Bitfilm and Bitcoin. Bitcoin Guide Part 2 - Bitcoin charts market capitalism Blockchain. Bitcoin Guide Part 4 - Controlled Supply. This website provides numerous links to Bitcoin guides, news, articles, exchanges, statistics and even places to trade Bitcoins. This website is the hub of Bitcoin resources, it provides a complete list of resources for ever aspect fo Bitcoin.

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Lightning Network Deep Dive with Laolu. SF Bitcoin Devs Bitcoin charts market capitalism Bitcoin, Lightning, and Streaming Money. Lightning Network Tech Talk at Coinbas.