Bitcoin getwork response papers

Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tagged Questions bitcoin getwork response papers newest frequent votes active unanswered. Refering to the getwork protocol used by bitcoind.

Learn more… Top users Synonyms. Is there a bitcoin bitcoin getwork response papers that still allows getwork? I'm trying to get a very very bad bitcoin miner working so I can tinker with it, but when I tried to connect to Bitcoin Core 0.

Mine 1 5 I tried to write a simple snippet for just bitcoin getwork response papers getwork json rpc. Is there now a bitcoin pool bitcoin getwork response papers still supports Nick Demarco 6 1.

I also need the URL where the work will be sent if a valid solution is found. Right now I'm trying Block Hashing Data Guys I have a few points that are not clear for me. However when I get a work by saying getwork from a pool. Eray Tuncer 13 2. What is the origin of the data that the bitcoin algorithm operates on?

According to the bitcoin wiki, the data used comes from calling getwork. Travis J 4. Litecoin getwork specification, endianness Please help me with getwork protocol for litecoin miner. There is mixed info online about endiannes of data provided by getwork and data that should be submitted to mining pools. What is miner supposed to do when waiting for longpoll i am coding simple miner.

I succesfully implemented Getwork in basic form. Next thing is gonna be Longpolling. If i understand correctly longpoll is just connection that is waiting for next block. Do pool servers communicate with bitcoind, and in what capacity? I'm trying to understand how the whole process flows.

Here's how I currently understand it working. Mining client calls getwork from Pre-requisites for calling Getwork I'm a novice to bitcoin trying to learn mining. I know that in order to get the value header to hash, you call Getwork. I have seen the bitcoin wiki page for it and read some relevant threads on Protocols for use between mining clients and mining pool servers Which protocols are there for mining clients to communicate with mining pool servers?

How do they compare? Haribo 5, 10 31 Difference between getwork and getblocktemplate? Who identified the need for the new protocol? Who were bitcoin getwork response papers primary contributors to its creation? Kinnard Hockenhull 1, 2 16 Bitcoin Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.

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