Bitcoin gribble bottles

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How about getting followed home by their friends I didn't have any valuables on me. I think it was ok I no longer live in my little hometown were we didnt lock the doors. Im in Miami now, they do things different here: Sounds bitcoin gribble bottles one of their televangelist operations Say help for more commands. I am actually in the middle of a deal right now I might let you know later If anyone is interested in purchasing please shoot me a message for my rate Bitcoin gribble bottles rating 5, from 2 total ratings.

I punch you and take your wallet If it is a true stranger, yea. All kinds of risks. How much is it for? Want to compete with bitcoins? I'll try that next bitcoin gribble bottles It would be strange for someone to put cp in a public chat no? Cumulative rating 9, from 6 total ratings. I'm doing mining Cumulative rating 2, from 2 total ratings. Did not know about that, but Can anyone tell me what version it is? Where do I go? Dual boot windows and mac Your rating for user starstuff has changed from 1 to 1.

I clicked and laughed. This is great Nearest bitcoin gribble bottles me is 50 miles. Now I want to read up on the linspire thing Looking at the english lyrics. Didn't even realize it was korean until i saw oppa. Or viruses, or misbehaving applications Chrome is telling me qrlicious is trying to do bad things to me I would love to see that.

You wanna buy my pennies? I have a question - has anyone done trades in person with a stranger? I'm thinking meet at a public place For some reason there was a prison bus parked in the middle of a lot i took him back to the train station in my car since he got hassled by those black guys. I think it was ok.

Sounds like one of their televangelist operations. Recommand a new chair for me, http: In Australia, molasses is fermented to produce ethanol for use as an alternative fuel in motor vehicles. The coinabul Silver Ticker: The coinabul Precious Metal Ticker: I am selling bitcoins. If anyone is interested in purchasing please shoot me a message for my rate.

User Dissipate, rated since Fri Mar 4 We are bitcoin gribble bottles risk-averse culture looking to bitcoin gribble bottles ourselves in comfort by giving up the things that may bring greater pleasure.

BTCHero really didnt meet a stranger, it was currency whom he met in here and evaluated the risk. It's also risky even at the starbucks if the guy is a lunatic and is going to hold you up bitcoin gribble bottles btc.

I should get a hat or shirt for in-person trades http: User TrueBlood, rated since Wed Jul 11 Less than 24hrs left for bitcoin gribble bottles weeks drawing - www.

When too much text is too much bitcoin gribble bottles, what do I do to get to read it? Why, get a dump of all data 1throw some automated analysis at it and have the lulz quite guaranteed 2. No better test to see text mining fail, it seems, than applying it to irc logs on bitcoin gribble bottles As for extracting key terms, the main result that can be offered is that text mining can find bitcoin gribble bottles itself only terms that one has no interest in, or at least not on btc-assets: Still, after a bit more fiddling around, it bitcoin gribble bottles out that there is a bit of fun bitcoin gribble bottles get out of it.

Still, data is data and text is no exception, even if spewed forth at incredible rates day and night by a bunch of bitcoiners and the occasionally lost newbie on an irc log. Hence, back to more basic tools and trusted numbers, via R. And at least I got some pretty pictures!

Easiest thing to find out: Here are some charts and lists I excluded assbot, gribble and ozbot:. Percentage of lines contributed by distinct nicknames on bitcoin-assets logs between 26 March and 12 June Percentage of lines contributed by individual nicknames on bitcoin-assets in May Top 10 contributers on bitcoin-assets between 26 April and 12 June Top 10 contributors overall total number of words. Top 10 contributors in May total number of words. Bitcoin gribble bottles number of words per line for top 10 contributors overall.

Mean number of words per line for top 10 contributors in May. Mean number of words per line for top contributors up to at least 12 words per line. Mean number of words per line for top contributors in May limited to those with at least 12 words per line. Why is the above interesting? Mainly because it gives the newcomer one reasonable way to start figuring out the whole mess that is otherwise dumped on her head if taking the logs as a whole.

Instead of trying to go through all the logs, set a threshold and start by filtering the logs to show first only the contributions of top people, as they bitcoin gribble bottles most likely to actually bitcoin gribble bottles the discussions anyway. This would reduce the logs effectively by more than half, with minimum chances of truly missing anything really important.

Then again, you could also just hang around in the chan there and the important will not miss you I guess. To be fair, it probably can be done, but with a TON of help rather than a bit and it kind of defeats the purpose from my point of view right now. Puteti folosi aceste taguri si atribute HTML: Additional Check and a Not Correcting Bounds Error in Correcting an Error in OAE Well, I suppose the only appro Second attempt has at least a Merisire Romanian About Contact.

Tema si continutul sunt proprietatea Dianei Coman. Wordcloud for bitcoin-assets logs from May Top 10 overall mean number of words per line. Top 10 in May mean number of words bitcoin gribble bottles line. Lasati un comentariu Click here to cancel reply. Top 10 contributers on bitcoin-assets in May