Bitcoin qt tutorial guide

This can be done from the Settings menu using the Encrypt Wallet function. You can get your first coins from Bitcoin faucets which gives small amount of BTC for free.

After about one hour the transaction should get 6 confirmations. You are able to spend the coins once the transaction shows at least one confirmation. The confirmation counter like the block counter will increase by one roughly every 10 minutes. Bitcoins can be bought from individuals, on trading exchanges or from other online services. See the main page about Buying Bitcoins for more information. Proceed to the introduction. The block chain is a never-ending story of every transaction throughout the network from day 1 genesis.

The first time you run Bitcoin, it is downloaded and verified on your computer. Every new transaction is added to the end of this chain and verified by the network to be valid. Whenever you send a coin, you are actually sending a cryptographically signed message, associating your coin with the recipient's address. This effectively transfers ownership to the recipient.

Once they own the coin, they are free to transfer it to another person. A wallet is a collection of addresses. You can create as many new addresses as you wish; having more addresses makes you more anonymous, because then people cannot see how much BTC you received.

Your wallet contains the secret keys used for spending that money, and must be backed-up regularly. If you lose the wallet then you no longer possess the money. New coins are mined through generating hashes. These generators are rewarded with a small fee for the computationally intensive task of incorporating your transactions into the block-chain.

This fee halves each time blocks are added to the block chain, or approximately every 4 years. The fee will keep halving until it effectively reaches zero, at which point 21 million coins will be in circulation. This guide covers installing Bitcoin without needing a third party wallet service. As you can see the transaction comes in labeled instead of the random generated string. This makes it very easy to accept bitcoin as payment, simply by generating a new labeled address anytime you want to accept bitcoin.

You can also see that the first bitcoin transaction has been confirmed and the 0. If you are a merchant or service provider that is accepting bitcoin, you can use the Request tab to ask for a specific amount of bitcoin. This will generate a QR code that people with a mobile phone wallet can scan to quickly send the desired bitcoin to your wallet. You should use specific information so that later you can look back and know where you got that bitcoin from.

Click request payment and the QR code will be generated. By default it will tell them to send 0. It will generate a QR code that scans directly to a public key. If you save or print out the QR code, you can shutdown your bitcoin core wallet and accept bitcoin anywhere in the world simply by showing people the QR code image. You can check the balance of your bitcoin address from any computer without opening the bitcoin core wallet and verify any bitcoin transaction that you are expecting from somebody simply by knowing the public key.

The simplest way is to go to blockchain. Here is a direct link to check my balance:. If you loaded up your wallet for this bitcoin core tutorial, take a moment to find something you want to buy with bitcoin. When you checkout the receiving party will give you their bitcoin address and the total that you need to send. Go to the send tab in Bitcoin Core, and fill in the information. Label the transaction with what you purchased or who you sent the money to.

Once you click send you will be prompted for your password. This is where you enter the password that you encrypted your wallet with. Most wallets will ask you to confirm your transaction details once more before it sends. They will also notify you of applicable transaction fees and the total bitcoin that will be deducted from your wallet balance.

The transaction fees go directly to the bitcoin miners who work hard to keep the bitcoin network strong. You can choose not to pay a fee, but if you do they may push your transaction aside and not process it.

For that small fee you can send any amount of bitcoin to any person in the world any time you want. Now that you have sent some bitcoin, lets check the transaction progress. Go to you transaction page right click on the payment that you just sent. Copy the Transaction ID, then go to blockchain.

Here is a link to mine: Now you can see all the details of the transaction and confirm that is has been processed.