Bitpiggycomnew australian dollar <> bitcoin exchange

Western Union will cancel international wire transfers to Bitmain. It's time for these legacy institutions to go the way of the dinosaurs. You guys were so nice to me so I thought I'd make a green one for you.

Can anyone explain to me why Bitcoin Cash choose not to implement SegWit? Mexico leftist vows no tolerance on corruption after historic win. I mean, this has been his opinion all this time.

So nothing really changed has it? How people here think Roger changing a label means "the flippening is nigh" is beyond me. That's because it's a joke. It just took them so long to change a small label while doing the other things that take so much more effort.

You just get some quick lessons in humor and as well as how to be within the scope and know the context. I think this will create a lot of unnecessary confusion and it doesn't even get things right:. I'm bitpiggycomnew australian dollar <> bitcoin exchange sure if it's good or not. So I agree, Bitcoin is gone, but now Bitcoin Cash is the closest thing, so it should get the name.

Just call it Bitcoin. This subreddit is not an exchange. I'm commenting on the fact this subs thinks BCH is the "true" Bitcoin, and if they really think it is, then call it Bitcoin. Don't pussy out and say Bitcoin BCH. Look at the image. It is calling it Bitcoin. And it puts the ticker after it like for every currency. Yeah, I wonder why they did that? Maybe because they're trying to trick people into thinking BCH is Bitcoin, and they know if they have to label one Bitcoin BCH they have to label the rest.

Anyone who says Roger does this for anything other than making himself rich, is a fucking idiot. Him doing this, knowing it's going to confuse new users and possible cause them to lose funds, is pathetic and he's a piece of shit for doing it.

The dude has considerable power and he's strictly using it to try and tear down Bitcoin while promoting BCH. It does nothing but harm Bitcoin and BCH and makes both communities look horrible to the outside. The real Bitcoin is the one which works as intended as currency, and also has a complete chain of signatures leading back to the genesis block.

Only one currency on the planet meets these criteria: Bitcoin SegWit and Lightning Network are 2 completely different types of technologies that might be interesting curiosities for a small handful of nerds, bitpiggycomnew australian dollar <> bitcoin exchange have no resemblance to the real Bitcoin.

That's a bit premature though isn't it? So let me ask you, if I retrieve a cold storage wallet fromon which chain will I be able to spend on nativly? You'll have them in both wallets. The chain spilt to a copy. It's identical up to August last year, but technically they're different chains. Because there are people on the BTC side who feel exactly the opposite for reasons which cannot be dismissed off-hand.

We must let POW lead the way as it has no ambiguity. The longest chain did not reference other external chains It was never about that. The longest chain pow is regarding the one Blockchain. Satoshi never intended for this definition to compare competing assets. Comparing POW is mainly used to differentiate between chains whose blocks were found almost bitpiggycomnew australian dollar <> bitcoin exchange the exact same time - not because they have different rules.

I mean will BTC cointinue having the Bitcoin name if there is 0 hashrate on that chain? Obviously not - another chain will get the name ultimately when people start calling another chain bitcoin. We're claiming bitpiggycomnew australian dollar <> bitcoin exchange name now and have been since we started, cause I don't see them admitting defeat and giving us the name bitpiggycomnew australian dollar <> bitcoin exchange our total POW is more than theirs.

They'll all start bitpiggycomnew australian dollar <> bitcoin exchange stupid hats and say that the side with the most people wearing hats is Bitcoin. Every implementation of nodes for Bitcoin Cash document the currency generated on the network as "Bitcoin Cash".

Why would they do this if they all believed from the start that they were generating "Bitcoin"? This idea that "Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin" came later down the road, when a part of the community thought it was the best way to be a contender in terms of marketing.

Why do you feel the need to lie about this? Hey, mrtest, just a quick heads-up: You can remember it bitpiggycomnew australian dollar <> bitcoin exchange two rs. Have a nice day! The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment. Considering that Bcore transactions are no longer a string of signatures due to the segwit downgrade I can't see how you could call it Bitcoin anymore.

Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin. Bitpiggycomnew australian dollar <> bitcoin exchange is not the founder. He isn't a developer. He was supporting the segwit2x upgrade of BTC until the blocksize increase failed. BCH was already chugging along at that point.

The fact that it is owned by bitcoin. Bitpiggycomnew australian dollar <> bitcoin exchange the market realizes BTC has no underlying value, it is possible bitpiggycomnew australian dollar <> bitcoin exchange price will collapse.

I can make a nice necklace or ring with Gold Maybe was, not likely for much longer as demand continues to drop Nice, feels like we are on the cusp of a flippening. This "Bitcoin BCH " movement would have better worked with s2x, because it didn't have replay protection nor a different address format. Since BCH has implemented replay protection, and it uses a different address format from the system Satoshi created, it doesn't get to call itself just "Bitcoin", not yet at least.

Attached photo imgur Mirror. So many powerful new technologies released and working and so much additional investment pouring into Bitcoin Cash development. The combination of a rapidly climbing BCH value together with core doing their best to suppress any BCH news, means a very large gap has formed between the price of BCH and its technical value.

It is shaping up to be the investment of the century! No, I mean Bitcoin Cash. That's the name of the blockchain. I can call it Bcash if you prefer? It's something else, an undead caricature of the former chain. Go look on any exchange and see what name the BTC chain carries. It's Bitcoin, and none bitpiggycomnew australian dollar <> bitcoin exchange your crying is going to change that.

Our chain is the original: The flippening is nigh! Click here to open external link. Sun, 22nd of Apr - You may also like this posts: Came to this sub accidentally, vote Trump, that is bitpiggycomnew australian dollar <> bitcoin exchange.

I literally want everything here. Thankfully we have people like Roger. Especially since the two top comments are from accounts younger than 6 months. I think this will create a lot of unnecessary confusion and it doesn't even get things right: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash Implementations: Bitcoin SegwitBitcoin Cash Implementations: Only until Bitcoin Core is gone for good, in that case the site is being proactive.

Someone's gonna be pissed More like a handful of people and a few hundred bots Oh yeah, cause everyone outside of this sub knows what the real Bitcoin is. I guess only people outside this sub know what the real US Dollar is? Bitpiggycomnew australian dollar <> bitcoin exchange paragraph is a load of garbage but you have a point in the second. BTC decided to be something completely different.

Both, since you will hold equal amounts of btc and bch. Which can I spend nativly? I can agree there is room for discussion there.