Can i install 32 bit office 2013 on 64 bit windows 7

Some functionality may vary, based on system configuration. Some features may require additional or advanced hardware or server connectivity. Microsoft recommends running the bit version of Office ; see bit editions of Office Unless you need some of the noted benefits of using the bit version, UITS also recommends that you install the bit version.

This contains instructions for editing the registry. If you make any error while editing the registry, you can potentially cause Windows to fail or be unable to boot, requiring you to reinstall Windows. Edit the registry at your own risk. Always back up the registry before making any changes. If you do not feel comfortable editing the registry, do not attempt these instructions.

When you deploy the MSI-based version of Office , you can only upgrade Office to the same architecture. For example, you can upgrade from Office bit to Office bit, and you can upgrade from Office bit to Office bit. If you install bit and then later decide you want to switch to bit, you have to uninstall the bit version, and then re-install the bit version. The reverse is also true—going from bit Office to bit Office also requires an uninstall and then a re-install.

For additional information about applications and components that block bit Office , see KB You receive the error message "You cannot install the bit version of Office because you have bit Office products installed". Most features that are included in the bit version of Office are included in the bit version of Office.

However, the equation builder feature in Word works on all platforms. The technology uses a single-instruction, multiple-data SIMD technique to speed up multimedia and communications software by processing data elements in parallel. Computers can have bit and bit controls installed, and Office bit can only run the bit versions of the controls.

The workaround for resolving these issues is to obtain bit compatible controls and add-ins or to install Office bit. In addition to controls that load into Office applications, there are web-based solutions that use ActiveX controls in Internet Explorer.

Office Datasheet views that are created by using a SharePoint Server work on any platform and in browsers other than Internet Explorer. You must contact the application developer to recompile, retest, and redistribute the solution in the bit version. If your organization developed bit MAPI applications, add-ins, or macros for Outlook, there are actions that you should take to change and rebuild the bit applications to run on a bit platform.

The following issues might occur if there is no match between the version bit or bit of Office and registered applications:. This can occur, for example, if the OLE Server application is bit and the version of Office installed is bit.

An object inserted into an Office application document might fail in cross-version scenarios. This can occur, for example, if you insert a bit object in a bit Office application document. Telemetry Log is part of the new Office Telemetry monitoring framework that is built into Office It helps developers and experienced users diagnose compatibility issues by displaying events that occur within select Office applications.

Among the issues it identifies are Visual Basic 6. To troubleshoot add-ins and solutions on a computer that runs Office , use Telemetry Log.

This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. You work with extremely large data sets, like enterprise-scale Excel workbooks with complex calculations, many PivotTables, connections to external databases, PowerPivot, PowerMap, or PowerView.

The bit version of Office may perform better for you. You work with extremely large pictures, videos, or animations in PowerPoint. The bit version of Office may be better suited to handle these complex slide decks.

You work with extremely large Word documents. The bit version of Office may be better suited to handle Word documents with large tables, graphics, or other objects. DEP is a set of hardware and software technologies that some organizations use to enhance security. Important before you Install If you have a version of bit or bit Office in your computer and you want to install Office , Office , Office , or an Office stand-alone application like Visio, you have to install the corresponding bit or bit version of the other program.