Dash and dot robot plays beethoven 9th

Morse code — that series of dots and dashes — can be useful in the strangest situations. As a kid I remember an original Star Trek episode where dash and dot robot plays beethoven 9th injured [Christopher Pike] could only blink a light once for yes and twice for no.

Perhaps the strangest real-life use was the case of the Colombian government hiding code in pop music to send messages to hostages. In[Jose Espejo] was close to retirement from the Colombian army. But he was bothered by the fact that some of his comrades were hostages of FARC the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia; the anti-government guerrillassome for as many as ten years.

But how do you send a message to people in captivity without alerting their captors? Using everything from air-dropped pacifiers to floating soccer balls, [Ortiz] had been behind efforts to encourage FARC soldiers to desert before.

But those messages were meant to be read by the FARC soldiers. This new message had to be covert. It was well-known that hostages usually had access to radio. In fact, there was a radio program that allowed families of hostages to leave second messages for their loved ones.

That seemed like an obvious way to send the message, but how to conceal it? The answer was Morse code. This seemed logical because many soldiers knew the code but the FARC rebels were not likely to be trained.

They needed some form of steganography to hide the code in plain sight — well, perhaps earshot is a better word. The answer was to embed the code in a song.

The government controlled the local radio stations, so getting air time would not be a problem. With some experimentation, they found they could fit about 20 words in the chorus without being obvious. That also allowed the code to repeat making it easier to copy.

The song became a hit in rural areas where FARC operated. Apparently, some hostages did decode the message. Perhaps my ears are too old. Rush had YYZ which is the airport code for Toronto. It has a pretty obvious appearance in Glitter Freeze.

Tales of prisoners from Alcatraz to Iran using Morse code to communicate is common, as well. Apparently, virtually no one noticed. Can you hear the code in Better Days? Let us know in the comments. American Football League Quits Victorious. Their mandate while in prison was to communicate, communicate, communicate. Since nobody has mentioned it so far, the Dash and dot robot plays beethoven 9th code in the song can be found at: That was how Alexander Dolgun learned the code in Lefortovo, memorizing it with the help of matches.

But the likelihood of needing to use it is vanishingly slim. I just became a Ham here in Canada. I know dozens of people who know code. You might want to study a little harder. You dash and dot robot plays beethoven 9th for HF privileges if you pass the basic exam with honours as well.

Around her amateur radio us both Morse, and voice to ID. ID are never sent when the receiver is receiving a signal except of course knuckle head lids dash and dot robot plays beethoven 9th pounce on the PTT of their radio to quick will force the repeater to ID over and input signal. In fact, here in the US it has made a large resurgence since the requirement for knowing code was dropped from amateur radio licensing. It was mandatory to understand this in flight school. The code dash and dot robot plays beethoven 9th each site is still printed on aviation sectional charts.

TNG episode where someone was kidnapped by Romulans. They signaled the Enterprise by encoding the beat of some irritating alien wedding song on a subspace channel or something like that….

Dodge tv commercial — http: Odd as in a combination of coincidences. During WWII the Winston Churchill made the V sign famous as a combination of the older, aggressive and insulting form of the sign back of hand outwardsand the V for Victory sign and it was very effective image for dash and dot robot plays beethoven 9th you were picking up the pieces after being bombed.

A Belgian programme maker at the BBC encouraged the Belgian resistance to paint V signs everywhere to annoy the Germans and to signify the French word for victory and the Dutch word for freedom French and Dutch are the two main languages in Belgium. Very upsetting for Hitler. The characters were born in 20th century but they find a way to become immortals, so they learnt morse code. Late last century, doing device driver work, I had a little Morse Code engine I could plug in for debugging.

Not practical for production code but was convenient and somewhat amusing to be able to bring text messages out from the depths of the system. So… did they get the message? Was it confirmed that they understood? The trick, apparently, is to learn to recognize the sound directly, just like you recognize the symbols. Every time, I get stuck doing it the wrong way. By then, the next character is well underway or over.

Check dash and dot robot plays beethoven 9th at 1: He also had the distinction of having passed his ham radio licensing test before the war, but his license was issued after the war ham radio was suspended for the duration. Unlucky in that respect, but to have lived through the convoys in the North Atlantic was luck enough. What a stupid thing to say. Dash and dot robot plays beethoven 9th highly-paid news anchors reading a scripted corporate statement is nothing like a prisoner of war giving a coerced confession at gunpoint.

To see a genuine reaction from one would have been refreshing. Is it dash and dot robot plays beethoven 9th bassline, the drum beat or the rhythm of the lyrics?

How anyone listening could casually discover it is beyond me. When it sounds like a rebel band member is trying to jam on their keyboard in the background of the chorus—that is the morse code. That happens about This link should take you there. Probably not like you need a spare tire in your car. Create a bad enough foe, and enemies become friends. It is less efficient, since letters may require up to ten taps, but it works with brief taps rather than long and short signals and it can be explained in just a few seconds.

Actually, Samuel Morse was one of our best operative for the U. I did a quick Google search and on the first in the list was this: Oddest use, you ask? Morse code is used by the Curiosity rover on Mars, for odometry: Delia explained in a documentary that she started the composition with Morse and then embedded the letters also in the music, I became B, E was E and became the roman numeral C.

It was composed for the th anniversary of the IEE in I was once awakened to a pounding sound while staying in a motel in Florida. I, of course, had no idea who might be in trouble, so I called the front desk.

In the morning, I inquired at checkout about what had happened. Turns out that the occupant had stepped out onto the terrace for a smoke at 3 AM, and the sliding door latched on its own, leaving him outside, naked, in cold weather.

The fire department had to rescue him from the second floor because he had used dash and dot robot plays beethoven 9th safety door latch. He was ex-military and knew Morse Code. Fortunately, so did I due to my ham radio training 55 years before. Jimmy falon did that very test on national TV. Should be able to find it on U-Toob. But the clarinetist actually knew Morse and sounded out cuss words. The first 2 nights went by without incident. The 3rd night some man in the audience dash and dot robot plays beethoven 9th out laughing….

Or you can fail at Morse Code, like Pittsburgh https: After driving many miles the hiker turned violent and pulled a handgun on the driver to get him to take him somewhere well outside his route. It just so happened that one of the following vehicles was being driven by an old Navy radioman. The driver was initially annoyed by the constant flashing brake-lights, but soon recognised the pattern. He followed the truck for many miles until he came across a Highway Patrol who he alerted to the problem.

The HP pulled over the truck, and arrested the hitch-hiker who turned out to be a prisoner on parole. Later in his life, Thomas Edison was nearly deaf. When he and his wife hosted dinner parties at their house, he would have a hard time keeping up with the conversation.

I always thought that was pretty neat, though I have yet to convince my girlfriend to join me in learning morse code. This is slightly incorrect.