Dino bites for cats

Ed and I adopted Peter and Penny after my beloved kitty of 15 years went on to the great catnip field in the sky. Imagine our surprise to find out from them that "Peter" and "Penny" were fictitious names that they had adopted while under protective custody. After a brief tummyache when Calling Tiger ate too many moths, they both have settled in famously, although they keep telling us that we can't expect them to protect us from all those birds outside if we dino bites for cats the doors and windows shut.

We haven't had the heart to tell them that the birds have been paying us off. Seriously, they are the light of our lives and we have been so lucky and glad to have them. Thanks to all of you! We got this touching email from Sabrina Ousmaal: Dino and Mia came into our lives, in January shortly Dino bites for cats after our Calico of 14 years passed away.

Mitchie had been with us since my husband and I got married and we often referred to her as our first-born. True to her Calico nature, she was temperamental with most and the sweetest with us. When, after a few months of chemotherapy, she lost her battle with cancer, we thought we would never be able to adopt again and love another pet as we had loved our Mitchie.

But through Petfinder we met Dino, a polydactyl loverboy. Over the past year with these two adorably spirited cats, I learnt to rely on them for comfort and cuddles as I too, by some irony of the sort, became a cancer patient and dino bites for cats survivor. Dino and Mia kept my spirits up and often distracted me from the horrors of treatment. I cannot imagine this past year without them. I wish I could do more to show my appreciation to those who rescued these two little ones as they have added so much to our appreciation of lifes simple pleasures.

Before adopting Zach, we dino bites for cats told he was the "sweetest and friendliest cat in the world," and he has definitely lived up to that description! Zach aka Boogie Pooh Bear is a big green-eyed boy with a loud purr and a huge heart. With oversized paws and a large physique, he could be mistaken for a dino bites for cats It has simply been a joy having this loving kitty in our home for almost three years.

We cannot imagine life without him. He loves to be close to our side, and will squeeze in between us on the couch when we watch television.

Zach loves dino bites for cats, and has become quite spoiled over the years! He is definitely the king of the apartment--every piece of furniture is basically his. He wakes us up every morning by standing at the foot of the bed and meowing loudly, and will occasionally nip dino bites for cats my legs to get me out of bed to feed him!

He loves to bird watch, then fall asleep in a patch of sunlight on the window sill. He has a small green pillow that is his "woobie"--he bites it, chews on it, plays with it, claws at it, licks it, rolls around on it, and sleeps with it.

We are so happy that Zach is part of our family! Charlie Brown and Chester were and still are the best of friends, brothers really. No matter how dino bites for cats they get, they find a way to fit in their kitten sized bed together! Thank you for giving us the wonderful opportunity to love and adore these two. Abby Mansfield adopted Moe and Nate in June after being a foster caretaker for both of them.

This is what she wrote to us about them: He was the only cat in the house for quite a while, and I could tell he was restless and needed a kitty companion. I brought in Nate when he dino bites for cats small kitten, and the boys bonded almost instantly.

Moe is kind of shy, and Nate is fearless, so dino bites for cats complement each other perfectly. It is very clear that Moe is much happier with Nate around.

I knew I couldn't part with these cuties, so I adopted them and brought them with me in my move to medical school. They are so adorable, and provide constant entertainment for each other and for me. They chase and wrestle, play "hide and seek" and groom each other.

I'm so glad to have these now "best buddies" in my life. JD has easily transitioned from a street cat dino bites for cats a gentleman of leisure. He refuses all but bottled water. JD is very active and attacks anything that moves, including his owner's underwear as she tries to get dressed in the morning. He is very sweet and loving. He likes to prop himself up on pillows and sit like a human. He enjoys dino bites for cats the internet and attacking the moving items on the screen.

He also enjoys sleeping in the bathtub, watching birds and squirrels through the window and sitting in the kitchen sink on the rare occasions his owner cooks. He has also mastered turning on the alarm clock when he decides its time to get up for breakfast. Christine Townsend adopted Precious the grey kitty on the right in September She will dino bites for cats 8 years old this year. This photo of Precious along with her two brothers also rescue kitties was entered in our Friends For Life Calendar competition for In the photo, they are keeping careful watch on dino bites for cats squirrels.

The neighbors made a Halloween display out of corn stalks and many of the stalks still had corn in them. They drew all the squirrels in the neighborhood. My kitties nearly lost their minds!!!! There were squirrels at a time and they seemed to know that the kitties couldn't get them. Three dino bites for cats sat there like they were watching a tennis match. Louise Ravert adopted Chloe in August This is what she wrote to us: When we got Chloe, I think that she only weighed lbs.

Chloe had her annual checkup last month. The vet said that she is just a little overweight and her checkup went well. She has some issues, but we are working through them with her. Also, Chloe is very vocal about everything! Thank you for Chloe! We're glad to hear they've bonded and are happy. Here's what she had to say about their new life with her. Marley and BoSox are best buddies - they absolutely love each other.

Both are very curious about the birds outside and are just waiting for one to come close to the window. They love to wrestle and sleep together all day. I don't know what one would do without the other. We are so happy with our SPCA kitties. I attached a picture of the two of them. Looks like we need to get another bed! Here's what they have to say about the new additions to their family: We adopted Sarah Bootsie in January weeks after our beloved long-haired calico Sammi died of cancer at age Nick, who was then 17, needed another companion and we did too.

At age 6, Sarah was rescued by the SPCA from a home with dozens dino bites for cats cats and dogs, and while a bit skinny, was in pretty good health. Being an adult, she was perfect for Nick, and once she settled in she became a great "little sister" for Nick. They were only together less than a year, until old age caught up with Nick, and he died last October.

We knew that we had room for another Dino bites for cats kitty, and set out looking for a sweet companion dino bites for cats Sarah. We adopted Gloucester Dusty in December When we went to visit him with his foster parents, we picked him up, and he purred and cuddled in our arms. She is clearly the boss of the house, though! Here's what they have to say about their little Polydactyl kitty: Well Miss Arwen is growing by leaps and bounds.

Dino bites for cats have had to put all treats and dino bites for cats into containers that lock as she has been tearing open the bags they come in.

Today, she did one better. Miss Arwen is quite pleased with herself. She managed, with those extra digits, to get the lid off the container and help herself to a "second breakfast".

She's been trying for weeks. Arwen and my other female, Widget pictured togetherdino bites for cats become quite inseparable. They clean each other, play together continually, and chase each other up and down all 3 floors to the townhouse.

Arwen has also become quite fond of getting in front of computer monitors and tv's. She especially loves it when we put the cat sitter video on the 42" Plasma tv. She also loves bird watching from the bay window. She has also learned from Widget, to be very vocal.

Gone are the days of her being the quiet one.

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