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Black Bob Crauford only had the chance to get a few regiments up to speed on the new tactics at Shorncliffe before the Peninsula campaign, partly because the less forward looking general staff fighting the last war as usual didn't believe in anything but the drill book of musket volleys, although, to be fair, at musket distance they were bloody deadly compared to the prevalent French tactic of advancing in column, where only the front two ranks can fire.

It should be pointed out that Napolean eschewed the rifle as well. Also, that one of the most effective rifle carrying regiments, the 60th, was an American Loyalist regiment. So it can have 16 in the air at once actively homing onto evading targets. The ASTER was designed from the gound up as an anti-missile-missile, with ludicrous maneouverability. Feel free to look up the details yourselves. There is talk of putting a generator in the hanger replacing the helicopters to give it a few more MW Rail Guns are expected to be available in years.

They can only be refitted onto ships with Electric Propulsion. When this happens, the current US destroyers will become obsolete.

This probably tells us alot about how good Sampson is in the ABM role. AEGIS can't do this. The only thing that the MOD's budget is used for is to keep British manufacturers mainly one though in business; whatever crap they turn out! The "tender" process at the MOD tends to start with "Does your company name have the word 'British' in it? Seriously, we're left with a pathetic defense industry that doesn't have to compete with anyone for MOD money, it need only employ a few thousand British people even though BAE employs more Americans than Brits and it can use those jobs to hold the Governement and the MOD to ransom.

The ransom will be paid in cash by UK taxpayers and blood by UK service personnel; money spent on crap like this means no money for quality infantry equipment and proper air support. The UK defence budget should be spent on defending the UK, not keeping a few highly paid "engineers" in work; if BAE can compete then let them, but every project to date that they've been involved with has either been delivered late e.

If these guys were builders, how many times would you use them before looking elsewhere? As a graduate of aeronautical engineering, I feel very sorry for the employees of BAE; but not enough to keep paying for rubbish. The money wasted with them would be better spent elsewhere, developing a proper engineering industry that can compete on merit rather than the pathetic "buy British" mentality that seems to obscure some people's thinking on these matters.

Even if the UK were to buy a Death Star, the three services would argue whether it should be operated by the Navy because it's a "ship" the RAF because it "flies" or the Blues and Royals because of the shiny helmets , before putting into storage for two years because BAE managed to get in on the deal and their bit is late. I mean c'mon, the merkin kit that doesn't slaughter friends just crumbles to dust when looked at in a strange way.

We don't have an empire. We don't need to defend or fail to defend Singapore. And the idea that we do anything useful with the navy is just a navy-sourced myth.

As the navy has now shrunk to the point of utter uselessness, we might as well go the whole hog and get rid of it. Have small, fast patrol boats for inshore work. Site a few missiles on land, and get rid of Trident and its replacement. This will save billions. As a sop, the "navy" can be in charge of the missile stations. It will give them some buttons to practise pressing. This won't be popular. The navy was once useful, but now it's not. It used to have a role, but now it doesn't.

It's a fabulous waste of money, and it's considered a joke the world over. As we can't fight the Falklands again, we might as well give it up now. What would be Daring about chasing a few dhows with 48 cruise missiles and a boatload of machine guns? Real Daring would be "cutlasses between the teeth lads, and grab a line". Clearly what the MoD have in mind. Where's Douglas Fairbanks when you need him?

B If and when better Rail Guns become a reality, the USA will develop dedicated platforms for them; even if Rail Gun technology does become available in the lifetime of these hulls, there's no guarantee that they can be fitted to them. This all comes back to a navy that wants to shoot down aircraft from ships rather than operate carrier based weapons, and a defence contractor that's happy to take the money for trying.

Attacking targets more than 20km inland? The Navy isn't really equipped for these roles; it spends all its budget on escort ships and has nothing to escort!

However you do need escorts in a navy where the best route to a brass hat is via command of an escort. Sadly, it would be the branch entrusted with protecting the country from foreign threats in an increasingly dangerous world. Cheaper than what Gordon Brown's cost to do essentially the same thing And given what goes on in government departments, it's about the same cost to keep a few Scots UNemployed. And considering their day to day job will be escorting 2 aircraft carriers which wont be finished until Oh and for all you slagging off the projects as 'jobs for the scots' please try and remember that there are other shipyards in England which rely on government work to keep them going.

For Britain to at least have a seat at the table in world affairs, we need a navy. Power projection with air power is somewhat fleeting at best. You can send a bomber, but it can't loiter for long, costs a bomb apologies for the pun to develop one with a useful i. A ship has good endurance and Type 45 excluded formidable firepower and flexibility, providing the ability to police against piracy, or support an assault force. There's a reason ground based ballistic missiles are not common - they make a lovely target.

Nice and static, easy to target and take out with a pre-emptive strike or special forces. Kind of hard to counter an SSBN that can loiter for months and no-one knows where it is. The Darings are a complete waste of time. We should have been looking at a number of multi-role destroyers - something that has good air defence, but more importantly can provide anti surface capabilities. Both in terms of gunnery and missiles. Don't get me wrong, Labour are completely useless tossers, but anybody who thinks the Tories aren't at least as bad either has a very short memory or is a mug.

Me, I'm just bemoaning the absence of a Monster Raving Loony candidate for my locale, at least they're honest about what they are. As for the article, there's already been so much blathering about "UK crap, America awesome" from this source that I've rather run out of patience to try to figure out if it's credible or not. I'll assume probably not. The Americans made some of the same mistakes, such as ammunition that's too heavy to easily handle, but at least they mounted their guns so they could point in the right direction.

And they developed much better fire control. The modern guns are a long way from the wartime 4,5 and 5 inch guns, but it does look little bit too much like habit. For a lot of jobs, the Italian 3-inch guns look a lot more useful, and you can carry three of them for the same mass. Face it, America know what they are doing with building ships to shoot things. Why didn't they just buy the cheaper, better armed American ones rather than insist on building their own? Without a navy, any country with a few ancient destroyers could decide to blockade us.

In case you hadn't noticed, we are a small island and rely heavily on imports. Ask the Americans nicely? How would we turn their country into a piece of radioactive glass in return?

Even if the navy spend most of their time shooting pirates in Somalia right now, that doesn't mean they won't be needed for something more important. Look at the Falklands, one of the few wars where both sides had almost equivalent technology levels.

Would we have won without a navy, without asking America for help? Maintaining a nuclear deterrent is possibly the single most important thing the MoD has to do, we can't just rely on America to protect us with theirs.

If any should be scrapped it is most of the army, we only keep the parts that are actually useful for DEFENCE rather than invading other countries. Why bother to have a military at all, just load up with nuclear ICBMs and say if anyone touches us we nuke them.

Unfortunately, that does not protect British shipping from pirates does it? It does not allow us, who are members of the UN to enforce sanctions on countries like North Korea by stopping and searching their shipping does it?

Not something many of the posters here have in their job contract. We used to be able to create good tech, then politicians sold them to the wrong people or political pressure cancelled promising tech such as the TSR Lewis is right to point out the stupidity of having a boat chuff around for two years without its main armament.

The "should have bought American" stuff all seems to be in order, but there is no mention of Eurofighter. I think you'll find if a major conflict kicked off in the next 2 years, the missiles would become available PDQ. Seadart wasn't fully operational prior to the Falkalnds but they still managed a few kills with it. The Navy isn't really equipped for these roles". Oh really, so Royal Marines didn't attack Afghanistan and Iraq from the decks of RN assault ships and aircraft carriers?

Whilst not geared up for land attack in a huge way, it does have the ability to do it. Take a proper look at the composition of the RN before you make bland statements. But you are correct in that the RN desperately needs Air Cover from a carrier air wing. The escorts did a good job of rescuing British citizens from Lebanon a couple of years back.

Senior Officers from the Warfare Dept have to be able to prove their competency of command at all levels, starting with small ship command all the way up to aircraft carriers and assault ships and then Task Groups. Would you accept an infantryman becoming a General having never commanded an infantry regiment?! There are problems with T45, buying the French launchers instead of American Mk41 launchers could well prove to be an expensive mistake - however the MoD couldn't justify spending the extra money because it has been decided that currently there is no requirement for T45 to carry Tomahawk, these are carried by fleet submarines.

People who have never even seen a warship, let alone know what they do or what constitutes a good one, but feel they can comment on the back of some negative press really make me mad.

There are plenty of good articles both for and against T45 elsewhere on the net, don't just believe 1 person's biased opinion. Will this be the same management team appointed by government to get ID cards in place, provide ICANN euro-equivalents and other major spend publicly funded initiatives? I like looking at random stuff like that. I'd like to know which MPs are saying this and then investigate their publicly based expenditure.

Surely this is obvious to anyone who has ever bought something from Korea and a similar item from Scotland. There is also the greed factor: There is also another thing to consider: This means that it is tried and tested and it's flaws have been identified plus , but that it does not take advantage of the latest possible technology minus.

The Type 45 is the compliment to this: I suppose it could be possible to try to get in now for the Burke's replacements in But, this would be astoundingly expensive, I'm sure, would not be delivered for at least 11 years more likely , and, of course, is even less tested than the Type 45s.

Perhaps it would be better just to get a mixture, 1 or 2 Aegis destroyers to handle the "now," a couple Type 45s for "tomorrow," and maybe even a request to be able to order some Zumwalts after they are 5 or 10 years old for "the next day. The "can be upgraded to take out targets in low orbit" line is probably the best sales pitch in military history.

You are just lucky that this ship wasn't a US one. If it were the cost overruns would be triple: There are two sides to the weapons supplier. If you get the French ones, the shells will never hit the target, if you get the American shells, they will blow up as they come out of the barrel. Of course if the British supplied them they would have to wait for the unions so I am not sure where you should go to get munitions.

The T45 is a hull that will carry a number of weapons and systems over a long life, so big roomy hull and decent proposal system makes a lot of sense. Being the first of her type, complex weapon systems will take a while to be fully integrated, but you could imagine that should something like Korean or Iran get hot, then a PAAMS system could be thrown onboard pretty quick. Thanks for the back story. The general overview though I think sounds the same, that too many old guard are slowing us down and preventing us from doing what we SHOULD do, in favor of keeping some old tactic alive that should be removed cause it's out of date.

Basically, what we need to do is stop holding onto the past and just embrace the future and anyone who doesnt do that, go sit behind a desk somewhere unimportant. Typical, the second someone gets a whiff of "someone is to blame" you all start pushing out, brown is responsible. Mostly this is a fun game, however in this case, you are completely wrong in all aspects. Brown isnt responsible for this mess, this goes back years mate!! We didnt just start doing this during the labour years, we did it for the last 3 centuries and the reason is because we fail to see new tactics and new opportunities, people are scared of losing their "positions" and therefore dig in, to the detriment of everyone included.

Kraken support tells me that he has changed provider and his unable to give me my money because he can not trace the transaction. Any feedback from current users? Personally, I have noticed less cloudflare timeout pages, which is a welcome improvement. The error code instantly. Please fix this bshit. Kraken is still among the cheapest. This without a doubt the worst website in the world. I have been trying to set up an account on tier 3 and all I keep getting after loading my ID is a error code.

Just refresh the page. I had been experiencing the same thing with trying to sign up. Found that refresh always works. Yes, please read my warning message at the top of this Kraken review. The UI is nearly unusable at this point and therefore I would recommend that users avoid depositing.

I highly recommend users avoid depositing for the time being. I am a newbee but wanted to try and I sent 1 bitcoin to Kraken. To try out I first sent 0. Then when I wanted to send the other 0. So I sent Kraken support an email to apologise for my mistake and to ask them to recover my funds. The answer I got was: The funds are held in a wallet that we control. But since you sent assets to the wrong address, there now involves a great deal of work to recover these funds.

Trust me, there are many of these cases. That being the case, we are not able to assist you with this recovery. They can use part of my funds to hire someone to do nothing else and still make a healthy return! I have used Kraken for 12 months now. The criticism I have is the uncertainty when placing an order. You are advised to resubmit the order as it MAY not have been processed which can result in placing an order twice.

For GBP customers there remains an issue with the exchange advising that it was dropping the currency due to volume issues. A horrible first experience using kraken. Countless errors, timeouts and kick outs from the website, orders to buy and sell impossible to make and if it works, they go wrong, double entries, no stop loss orders available to reduce stress on the systems and to make things worse, now got a locked account and nobody responses to my mails.

Have no clue on how to get in contact or to get my money back. Yes, I've added a warning on the top of the page about Kraken's current website timeout issues. Hey cheers for your review and insight on Kraken. I'd just like to add that their site has some serious disadvantages as of recent times. Putting an order through is like gambling at the casino! Most of the time, the order doesn't go through and you are asked to refresh to verify.

And then of course, you are directed to a page that tells you about error I think they are too incompetent to fix their trading engine. My analysis is that Kraken does not deserve all the traders that they have. Pro traders are gonna go elsewhere soon if they haven't already done so. Very much agree with your experience on Kraken here. It's true that the exchange is unusable these past weeks. Fingers crossed they sort things out fast. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, this helps new users enormously.

Another week goes by and they emailed saying it looked like my deposit arrived without the proper referencing to assign it to my account automatically. Ok no problem I thought. The funds have been located and they assured me few days later it will be into my account. During this time the bitcoin price has risen USD so now because of their incompetence and delay it defetes the purpose of purchasing a bitcoin and I am sure as hell I will not be compensated for their poor service.

To give you an example - when issues arise on Coinbase, customers can expect to wait days to get a response - and on Cex the average response time from support is 2 to 3 weeks! No joke, but these platforms are literally overrun with new users everyday. They're coping as well as they can, hats off to Kraken for such a fast response time.

Especially with people saying that it's best not to keep money stored up on any cryptocurrency exchange. It's a compromise between planning ahead and risking funds kept online. That's why it's always important to find the most trustworthy exchange. During my Kraken review I've tried to show that despite its faults, there are indeed many expert traders that trust the operators with good deals of their money.

I am waiting for 2days now on a response or a fix for my locked account, after 5 minutes I got a mail asking to provide more info so they could unlock, never heard back again. I am thinking, they let me sit in the dark here on purpose.

This is insane and if they let me wait just because they can. Hi John, it's annoying I know. Do realize that these exchanges, Kraken included, are being flooded with requests from new and long-time users.

There's just so much activity going on in the crypto world right now. Kraken are experiencing serious UI issues, but I would guess that their integrity remains solid and trustworthy. This is quite interesting. What I'd like to know is how many of the monthly mobile app visitors return. Perhaps, this surge in mobile views is due to the large number of new BTC and crpytocurrency enthusiasts.

I think the high number of visitors thru their mobile app is more due to the fact that more and more people are viewing things on their smartphones rather than on their laptops and desktop computers. After all, it's easy to go to the app store and check out Kraken. According to this Kraken review, the mobile version of the exchange is smooth.

Now, they just have to ensure that their app is just as easy to use. Likewise, I have to agree regarding the Kraken disadvantages. I know they have a lot of users to deal with, but bad customer support should be solved as soon as possible.

They have a surge in popularity, but this could be wasted if new users are unimpressed with both support and UI after conducting their own Kraken inspection. Then again, this full analysis of Kraken also points out the fact that the exchange has a strong hold on the more experienced and high-level cryptocurrency traders. They have no problems with high volumes of either cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. Combined with low reasonable fees for most of the time , I can see how the cons pale in comparison to the Kraken advantages.

Kraken is very intuitive and I find the support is also okay - but true, the downtimes are ridiculous. Can't reach for hours and ave to place and order ten or twenty times, it's all matter of luck if you make a deal It's unbearable and not future-compatible. They should invest in a second server maybe? Indeed, i have head numerous complaints of Kraken going down during peak trading times.

Unfortunately such interruptions can causes losses for traders. Good job posting your feedback about Kraken here for others to read. I myself have had issues with the site not letting me do orders for 10 to 15 minutes. Sometimes it is as if Kraken's system just gets overloaded and cannot handle requests.

Compare all that to sites like CEX or Coinbase and it's easy to understand why people expert traders still use Kraken. Sending and withdrawing crypto also works well and timely But the downtimes are so terrible. I can't see why there's no attempts at fixing this, obviously should be a boom year for cryptos.

THIS is a great way of making sure Kraken won't be a part of that when it could be a winner. I like Kraken for their market positioning????. The operation is located and headquartered in the USA, yet they have targeted both north american and European traders. And the best part is that I can trade with leverage margin trading on Kraken. Not many other places offer such crypto instruments no I'm not using Poloniex???? Kraken currently does not allow Washington state residents to use their exchange because of stringent state regulations.

I would like to know why the engine is struggling I have been using kraken for a few months but now it has become unusable.

They have also eliminated stop orders and things got even worse! How is that possible?? There is not a quick fix to this. The best option for now is to wait and try the order again. There is no way circumvent the current trading engine issues, they are affecting everybody. Thanks for your experience Pippo. We're seeing many reviews of kraken where users are encountering your reported issue and it's increasingly taking a toll on the exchange's reputation. For now, I've downgraded their rank and rating on the homepage top list of sites to trade btc and alts.

I will be following the situation. Could it be struggling because of front-end scaling issues? I say this because the Kraken API seems to work ok for making orders. At least they are doing a good job compared to Poloniex, who's been offline for extended and repeated periods - and there's never any withdraw hassle on Kraken: Thumbs up to them. Small mistake "Both the buyer and the seller are charged fees, with a buyer in a trade paying more than a seller.

However, recently Kraken has removed some altcoin that used to pair with USD, which is a little bit bad; nevetheless, they had removed conditionals like stop-loss, take-profit, trailing, and so on.

Unfortunately due to their decision to remove these essential trade options, many users are leaving Kraken including myself.