Makerbot replicator 2x maximum print size
If you print this Thing and display it in public proudly give attribution by printing and displaying this tag. This is the absolute largest thing a Replicator 2 or Replicator makerbot replicator 2x maximum print size is capable of building but also contains minimum materials. You can use this as a tool to double check weather a part can be replicated or to demonstrate the Replicator's build volume. The actual build volume as stated on the site is incorrect as can be seen by a test in the makerware software, so this is the max of it's true dimensions of 24L x 14W x This object needs to be scaled, so just hit maximize size in the scale menu.
Also, since every makerbot's build plate are all centered slightly differently especially the 2X you may notice the extruder print off of your plate. In that case just uncheck the uniform scaling icon and drag in the makerbot replicator 2x maximum print size that seems to be overhanging by the amount your observed, and then you have your own custom print volume box.
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The perfect tool for non-designers and children to create in 3D. Print through a distributed network of 3D printing enthusiasts from across the US, at a fraction of the cost of the competitors. We want to change the world for the better through technology, an Treatstock is an online platform that offers decentralized manufacturing services such as 3D printing and CNC machining for clients all over the world.
We offer free and instant access to comparati Please Login to Comment. Say thanks by giving ChrisPren a tip and help them continue to share amazing Things with the Thingiverse community. We're sure ChrisPren would love to see what you've printed. Please document your print and share makerbot replicator 2x maximum print size Make with the community.
We're sure ChrisPren would love a Tip, but unfortunately they have not setup their accounts to receive them yet. We can let them know you were interested. Simply click the button below and we'll pass along a note to them. Tip Designer Report Thing. Liked By View All. Give a Shout Out. Summary This is the absolute largest makerbot replicator 2x maximum print size a Replicator 2 or Replicator 2X is capable of building but also contains minimum materials. For printing use rafts and supports, I haven't tried without but I doubt it would go smoothly.
More from 3D Printers view more. By downloading this thing, you agree to abide by the license: Creative Commons - Attribution. Download All Files 2 kb zip file. App Info Launch App. Let Them Know Message sent!