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The Gorilla doctors this month made a timely intervention to rescue Nyakagezi Gorilla family in Mgahinga National Park of the fast spreading respiratory infections. Fred and Noel had been monitoring the situation closely and decided to intervene to administer treatment to three ailing silverback mountain gorillas in the group this week. Ndungutse, the fourth ranked silverback in Nyakagezi group was found lying along the trail, with a productive cough and appearing weak on October Trackers reported that he had been coughing for 2 days, but was among his group members, feeding and behaving normally.

Ndungutse had also been observed coughing mildly when silverback Rukundo received his second round of medications for his respiratory illness. During their observation, the group, led by dominant silverback Mark, had moved about 50 meters ahead of Ndungutse, who stayed behind with ailing silverbacks Mafia and Bigingo. Ndungutse had a productive cough, but no nasal discharge was observed.

He was breathing fast and hard, his abdomen was less than half full and he did not feed during my 3 hour observation. Ndungutse remained lying on the forest floor for the duration of the observation.

Mafia is the second ranking silverback in Nyakagezi group. Two days prior to the doctor's obsservation, trackers reported that Mafia had been observed in his nest with a mild cough, but still actively feeding.

Mafia had been moving close to Rukundo, the young silverback previously treated for respiratory illness in the group. On 15th October, Mafia was coughing frequently but did not have any nasal nxt robot soccer world cup xvid. His abdomen was fuller than the other two silverbacks, but he was nxt robot soccer world cup xvid observed actively feeding. Mafia remained lying down in ventral recumbency from the time we reached the group at 10am until the time of our approach to deliver treatment 3 hours later.

The oldest silverback, and also the former dominant silverback of Nyakagezi group is a male named Bigingo. Bigingo was also found lying on the forest floor with a productive cough, copious nasal discharge and appearing weak and lethargic during my Oct. After a short time, Bigingo attempted to get up and follow the group, but was obviously weak. Mark, the dominant silverback returned to his side to guard him. We made the decision to dart Bigingo with medications last, as he is known to be aggressive.

After a thorough observation of each silverback, Dr. Noel and Fred prepared to dart Ndungutse and Mafia first with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication. Noel prepared the dart for Mafia and Fred prepared the dart for Ndungutse. Cefazolin and Ketoprofen were successfully administered to Ndungutse via remote darting at 1: We were unable to dart Mafia with the second round of medications as he moved quickly away from us into the undergrowth after the first dart.

The group members became agitated, and dominant silverback Mark, along with Bigingo, nxt robot soccer world cup xvid aggressive. The vets made the decision to reassess in the following days, and wait to dart Bigingo to give the group a rest to recover from the stress of the first intervention.

When doctors arrived to the group, the gorillas were restless and moving constantly in the Nyamwesero area of the Park. Bigingo was still coughing and but had less copious nasal discharge. Most of the group members were staying close to Bigingo as if protecting him. Bigingo was vocalizing and aggressive during our follow up observation. After the physical exam and assessment, Dr.

Noel and Fred decided to allow the group additional time for recovery. Trackers will continue to closely monitor Bigingo, as well as Mafia and Ndungutse to assess their feeding, moving, and nxt robot soccer world cup xvid frequency. Following the lead trackers' report on Saturday, Oct. Noel and I will make a decision on nxt robot soccer world cup xvid another veterinary intervention is necessary.

On a brighter note, the young silverback Rukundo, was was treated for his respiratory infection last month, has fully recovered:. Fred was able to revisit the group today and administer mediations to elderly silverback Bigingo. Adult female Cyizanye had given birth during the night and she kept her newborn infant wrapped tightly to her chest. Unfortunately, Cyizanye nxt robot soccer world cup xvid also developed a cough, so Dr.

Fred will be keeping a close eye on her as she already appeared weak after the birth. Silverback Ndungutse seemed to have improved after the intervention to administer meds - he was coughing less frequently and was feeding normally. Mafia was still coughing frequently, but was feeding again. In addition to the trio of silverbacks and new mother, adult female Inshuti is now weak and coughing as well.

Nxt robot soccer world cup xvid is still carrying her baby and Dr. Fred will monitor the situation closely. Rate this item 1 2 3 4 5 1 Vote. On a brighter note, the young silverback Rukundo, was was treated for his respiratory infection last month, has fully recovered: Adopted from the Gorilla Doctors blog. More in this category: Up Coming Events 03 Jun, World Tourism Day The beauty is in Ug… https: Share Photos and Videos.

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