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That means either being in that linked list, or the WoT of anyone on that list. Register it to an email address, set a password, set it up to kick impostors without your password off of it. Connect over SSL so's to make it just a little harder to pull your password off of the network. Use SASL if you're into that sort of thing, and if your client's set up to auth to services before joining channels.

It's a deep, stupid set of trivia, managing IRC opsec, and I shan't go into any further detail on the topic here. Also, I'm personally bad at it. Run the following command from your IRC client to get the full rundown on nicknames and passwords and Freenode nick services at large:. Do so this is not a GPG guide , and then respond to assbot with its contents:.

Don't ask for a rating just to get voice. If you stick around and have a not-miserable signal-to-noise ratio, you'll probably achieve some sort of "easy come, easy go" rating within a week. If you don't, take it as a signal from the gods that you're not meant to run with these dogs. Any user who's been! This is in place so that when BingoBoingo gives voice to certain trolls who drive me insane I can quash their inane babbling relatively easily.

Remember, assbot's voicing works on a Web of Trust basis. This means having your GPG toolchain set up and readily at hand. Chanops are a group of people the founder trusts sufficiently to regulate the conversation, deal with bad actors and operate the channel in the manner he intends. Kind of like a web of trust without the numerous failures this bullshit introduces. Default deny will prevent the channel from growing, will not deflect a motivated attack, while adding a handful of SPOFs, risks and annoyance.

It's a neat experiment in creating the perfect circle jerk, a heroic cabal of IRC bloggers and thier crony's segregated from the real world by a 14' wall of smug. To protect your IRC nickname from squatters, register it with the irc. During this conversation , I was made two offers from two individuals, each with the same conditions.

I would borrow 0. The purpose of all this, as with all WoT ratings, is to establish a reference guide to inform future decisions. Is this person a good actor or a bad actor?

Yes, this is possible! Well who asked you anyways. The authority on the matter, Mircea Popescu, has even gone so far as to […]. Those IRC commands are not secure. Just get in the WoT already. While this might seem narrow, clearly […]. Plus, I could use the unix and command line […]. Go forth and enjoy! Your email address will not be published. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

Such is the danger of trying to wedge Bitcoin into the world of fiat. Or more properly, vice versa. Just another step in the IRC Yeshiva! Am I lucky or am I me?

May 9, at May 27, at 4: June 9, at 8: June 24, at 6: June 29, at 2: July 8, at 9: When Bitcoin Met Pete says: July 15, at July 23, at 9: July 31, at 1: This Is The Bitcoin Empire. A blog by Pete Dushenski says: August 7, at The Bitcoin Dumping Charade Contravex: August 14, at A Law Enforcement Encounter: August 25, at 3: August 26, at 7: September 15, at 8: September 19, at 9: