Vlamingh lighthouse exmouth market

The Harbour and Lights Department announced in that they were to build the lighthouse at Vlaming Head. It was determined that the height of the tower to the floor of the lantern was to be twenty feet and to be built out of locally available stone.

A year later due to lack of Commonwealth funds the lighthouse project was no further advanced and the State was forced to take steps to build the lighthouse itself. Vlaming Head is physically very isolated and difficult to reach by sea. The nearest port was some two hundred miles away and the closest beach for landing supplies was over three miles from the proposed site.

Provision of fresh water for the labourers, and the lighthouse keepers, was a major obstacle that needed to be overcome, and which shadows the whole history of the lighthouse.

Supplies during construction were shipped from Fremantle, sent to Ashburton by steamer, then back to North West Cape by schooner, where they were landed on the beach.

To solve the problem of getting supplies from the beach to the Lighthouse a small tramway was built, this was horse drawn by a Clydesdale named 'Captain'. A jetty was not possible owing to rough seas. Water for the labourers was provided by a salt water condenser, but the water quality was not good. In his report on the state of lighthouses Commander Brewis reported that illness due to dysentery had considerably delayed construction. The only death occurring during construction was that of Mr F J Reddy who died of dysentery after a seven day illness Mr Reddy's grave can be seen today marked with a white cross near the Lighthouse Caravan Park.

Large underground tanks were built for the lighthouse keepers and their families, drawing on the artesian water in the area, but the condenser remained in the event of an emergency. The lighthouse was eventually completed in , and the light's first use was on the 10 December of that year.

Other food essentials, such as fresh milk were provided by the small herd of goats kept by the lighthouse keeper's wives, and by fishing. Watches were kept throughout the night, starting between 4 and 6 pm and finishing as late as 8 am.

Additional work on the light had to be carried out in the remaining eight hours, leaving the men very little contact with their families. The long awaited handover of lighthouses to the Commonwealth took place in and the full title of Lyndon Location 22 was transferred to the Commonwealth in April, A Radar post was developed near the lighthouse.

In a cyclone damaged both facilities considerably. The lighthouse and quarters did not fare lightly either with extensive damage to the lighthouse keepers quarters. Over the next year the keepers themselves did much of the repair work. The Radar Tower had deteriorated to such an extent that it could not be restored therefore a replica structure was constructed and installed on site in February To this day this light still flashes a warning to seafarers to "beware of the treacherous coastline of the North West Cape".

Attractions within the park include Shothole Canyon, an impressive gorge; Mangrove Bay, a sanctuary zone with a bird hide overlooking a lagoon; and Mandu Mandu Gorge where you can walk along an ancient river bed.

Yardie Creek is the only gorge with permanent water. Turquoise Bay is a popular beach for swimming and snorkelling watch for currents.

The Milyering Visitor Centre 54km SW , made of rammed earth and run by solar power, is 52km from Exmouth on the western side of the park and offers information on both Cape Range and Ningaloo.

Contact 08 Vlamingh Head Lighthouse and Lookout: The lookout offers panoramic degree views; 19km N. Snorkellers can swim with whale sharks and manta rays located by cruise boats.

Coral-viewing boat cruises also available; contact visitor centre for details. Neds Camp camping area 21 km. Mesa Camp camping area 22 km. North T Bone Bay camping area 23 km. Lakeside camping area 24 km. Tulki Beach camping area 28 km. North Mandu camping area 34 km. Pilgramunna camping area 39 km. Osprey Bay camping area 44 km. Yardie Creek camping area 53 km. One K Camp camping area 54 km.

Ningaloo Caravan and Holiday Resort 1 km. Exmouth Cape Holiday Park 1 km. Ningaloo Lighthouse Caravan Park 15 km. Best Western Sea Breeze Resort. Exmouth Cape Holiday Park. Sal Salis Ningaloo Reef. Subscribe to our free newsletter for up to the minute info from Australia's best value travel guides. No part of this site may be reproduced without written permission. This website requires JavaScript to be enabled.

The Continental Shelf is only kilometres offshore and Ningaloo Reef runs for km along the coastline, forming a giant