Examples of general ledger entries in accounting

ChartField used to map transactions between business units when using a single interunit account. Indicates if a row in a table is active or inactive. As of Date The last date for which a report or process includes data. Subcategory ChartField value that represents the subcategory for a project transaction in Project Costing. This date also determines when you can view and change information.

Journal Header The first page entered to create journal entries in general ledger which includes the overall journal information such as the ledger, the journal source, long and short descriptions, and more. ChartField that represents structural units for education and government accounting. You can use a business unit to define regional or departmental units within a larger organization. Subcategory ChartField value that represents examples of general ledger entries in accounting subcategory for a project transaction in Project Costing. As of Date The last date for which a report or process includes data.

This link takes you to the Process List page, where you can view the status of submitted process requests. Entry Event Code that identifies the entry event definition that is used to create supplemental accounting entries for the transaction. Click to open a page where you can enter document sequencing information.

Click to open a page where you can enter document sequencing information. This field is available only if you have Project Costing. Source Type ChartField value that represents the source type for a project transaction in Project Costing. Language or Language Code. Report Manager Click this link to access the Report List page, where you can view report content, check the status of a examples of general ledger entries in accounting, and see content detail messages which show you a description of the report and the distribution list.

Long Description Long Description link on all ChartField pages opens a secondary page to enter additional information regarding the ChartField value, such as fund name, sources, type of fund, donor information, or grants. ChartField that is assigned to a project that is related to the item. Entry Event Code that identifies the entry event definition that is used to create supplemental accounting entries for the transaction.

Subcategory ChartField value that represents the subcategory for a project transaction in Project Costing. Ledger Template The ledger template name is used to prompt correct ChartField names. For example, if you have a category of carpenter labor, subcategories might be standard hours and overtime hours. A source type identifies the purpose of the transaction, for example labor. ChartField that identifies the nature of examples of general ledger entries in accounting transaction for corporate accounts.

Refers to each accounting line entered in General Ledger Create Journal Entries consisting of appropriate ChartField and accounting values. Status Indicates if a row in a table is active or inactive. Statistics Code ChartField that identifies nonmonetary statistical amounts.

Oper Unit operating unit. An identification code that represents a set of control table information or TableSets. ID that identifies the type of activity, such as invoice or pay an item. Report ID Identifies the report being processed and generated.

Language also refers to the language spoken by an employee, applicant, or non-employee. Entry Type ID that identifies the type of activity, such as invoice or pay an item. Alt Acct alternate account. Link that accesses another page for more detailed information.

This link takes you to the Process List page, where you can view the status of submitted process requests. Click this button to access the Process List page, where you can view the status of submitted process requests. Code that identifies the entry event definition that is used to create supplemental accounting entries for the transaction.